Knowledge Building and Training:

  • Since 2011, IPA-Ghana in partnership with PRIA-Asia and funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, facilitated a process of knowledge sharing and co-creation of training modules with Urban-Poor Networks (Slum Dwellers International) to document their modes of learning about M&E. This led to the establishment of a Learning, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit in one of the largest civil society network working for the urban poor members of informal settlers in the world. IPA-Ghana has continued to support SDI, including a large multi-year Evaluation on SDI commissioned by Swedish (SiDA) in 2017.
  • Throughout 2009 and 2010, IPA-Ghana undertook training and mentorship for M&E leaders among urban poor networks in Uganda, Kenya, Ghana and Nigeria.
  • Since 2002 to date, IPA-Ghana has run short courses for leaders of Civil Society based on co-created training modules from basic Participatory M&E concepts, to higher-level courses for civil society advocates with Governments and Parliaments. Between 2005-2008, IPA-Ghana led a coalition of over 15 local and national civil society groups to engage in nation-wide evidence on impact of Government Poverty Reduction on the poorest citizens; and later on the performance assessment of Health Insurance on the poor and persons with disability.
  • More recently between 2011 and 2017, IPA-Ghana undertook research on Understanding Collective Action Movements in Africa, focusing on Tahir Square in Egypt, Occupy-Ghana; #Fees Must Fall in South Africa and #Bring Back our Girls in Nigeria. These efforts were then followed up with engaging the leaders of the movements in co-creating training modules on “Building their Own Theories of Change”, and “Measuring their own Change”.  Three training exercises were carried out throughout 2015 and 2016, in collaboration with the Center for Learning, Evaluation and Results (CLEAR AA).
  • IPA-Ghana and it’s principals have supported M&E network building among members of the Ghana Monitoring and Evaluation Forum, the African Evaluation Association and African Evaluation thought leaders